31 March 2007

Daydream Believer

I am the secretary of the student-run drama club at school, called the Jesters. Sometimes being an officer gets me into trouble because I always have to participate in everything and I simply don't have the time for it. This semester we are only doing one festival of one-acts, though, so it's not too bad to learn lines for a 8-page play. I'm doing the Durang play "Words, Words, Words" with a couple of other girls. At first, I was upset because I wasn't at the casting meeting and was immediately put into this play about monkeys typing Hamlet. Obviously, I was not too excited about playing a monkey. Even worse, I was cast as the monkey who flips out, monkey style, and I was not sure I could do that on stage yet. Needless to say, at the first rehearsal I was pretty apathetic, and my castmates were also not very encouraging as monkeys. Before the second rehearsal, though, there was a casting change, and now the president of the club is also a monkey. Because she can get into her part really well, it encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone and actually become the monkey, which can actually be quite fun if you think about it. Now, I'm actually somewhat proud to be in the monkey play. Sometimes it really is better just to try and stay positive about something that you don't like because you might just change your mind and your views about the people around you.
So now I'm preparing for my "week of hell," as I've so named it. I have three exams and two quizzes this week and I am so mad that my professors all scheduled them within the same five days. At least I don't have anything on Thursday to study for because Wednesday is my busiest day of the week. Hopefully this week goes better than I think it will, because my grades are seriously in danger....damn med school required GPA!!!

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